Falsification of history
AUTHOR: Albina Khisamutdinova
Throughout human history there have been distortions of historical facts. Examples of historical falsifications are known from the time of ancient Egypt. In the modern world, such distortions are sometimes up to complete rewriting of history is an excellent propaganda.
Falsification has several purposes. Some people live in a national myth and sincerely believe that with their work they defend the scientific truth. Others realize they are wrong, but deliberately rewrite in the interest of career and other social dividends.
The hypothesis of this study: Distortion of historical facts is built around misinterpretation of events and sanctification of false judgments about this or that event. Also, the distortion often occurs due to the use of unreliable sources of information.
Purpose of the study: to determine the factors that lead to the distortion of historical events on the example of falsification of history in Azerbaijan.
Research methods: study and analysis of literature, archival research, generalization and analogy.
Through this research it was possible to compare real historical facts with their interpretation, which is made in the modern world for the sake of supporting political statements. The main way of distortion of historical truths is insufficient coverage of the facts and their substitution. Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed. The root of the distortion of historical truths is the use of unreliable sources. Also, a significant role is played by the false interpretation of historical facts, incomplete sanctification of them and the government's reaction to the falsification.
The average person in many cases will not go to look for the original source of the material about which he had just read. This issue is essential for our world as falsification of history has a tremendous impact on people's lives and can be the cause of war, both between cultures and within a particular state. Additional investigations must be conducted to eradicate unreliable sources of information.