Comparison between the effects of the Emancipation of the Serfs in 1961 and the ratification of the 13th and 14th amendment.
Author: Alex Sauter
In this research project I aim to refer to mainly second, but also first hand sources and in doing so compile an accurate comparison of their effectiveness and their effects on different areas relevant to the lives of the people being freed. Although at the moment it is unfinished, I will be actively working with my mentor so that it will be fully ready and available at the time of the conference. It also outlines the intrinsic differences in their societies that resulted in the resulting differences.
It is a very important contribution as it is a society study on how governments enacted reform in mid to late 19th century and could be used as case studies as analyzing important factors in reducing existing inequalities and stopping the systemic oppression of certain peoples in regard to race, religion or social class.